Archive for June 9, 2007

Stone Meanings – Labradorite


(Shown above:  Labradorite and Pink Opal Earrings.  To purchase click the picture.)

This week’s stone is Labradorite.  Personally I love labradorite and have found myself making more and more pieces that feature this stone. 

Labradorite can be found in Labrador, Canada and Finland and is known for it’s sheen that is called labradorescence.  Much like the moonstone which was featured last week, labradorite comes in many different colors and shines. 

It is said that when wearing labradorite a person can see through illusions and get right to the heart of someone.  No one can be false around a person wearing labradorite because the wearer will know the truth immediately.  Labradorite can also help the wearer strengthen their creativity so it is a good stone for musicians, artists, and writers alike.  In return the stone is said to also enhance self esteem.

Labradorite is also supposed to be a good stimulus for weight loss.  The wearer is more likely to drop those few extra pounds while wearing the stone because it stimulates the metabolism and increases physical activity levels.  It’s only a matter of time before it makes it into the next weight loss infomercial. 

Labradorite seems to be the stone that can treat the common cold, gout, and high bloodpressure as well as make a person feel better about themself through creativity and self esteem. 

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